Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hangin in there!

Kyra is hangin in there! Whenever we are around, we offer her food. It helps that we have staggered schedules. So far she's been enjoying kitten food a lot, as well as some other fishy kitty food. We track the amounts of foods that she eats so we can get an idea of how many calories she's eating a day, then supplement with the hand feeding. It's ironic to have this kitty who had such an incredible appetite, now need constant encouragement to eat. We mix the kitten food with pedialyte (unflavored) to help make sure she's getting electrolytes. She drinks a bit of water, and I supplement with sub-q fluids. We have a new addition to the care regimen. After we feed her at night, we snuggle with her on the bed, petting her and telling her how much we love her. She eventually gets sick of that and goes to hide under the bed, but we want her to have that positive snuggle experience after the feeding.

It's tough to make good cat mom decisions. I think about when I was a kid, I don't even imagine the vet would have been able to recommend sonograms and all kinds of diagnostic tests. Vet medicine has advanced so much in my lifetime, but we still have to make a decision on what is best for her, for all of our cats, and for us. I think about quality of life for all of us, and I have to think about finances, especially in this economy.

I spent a lot of time stressing about when would be "the time to say goodbye." I shared this with my therapist and she encouraged me to take it easy on that topic, and that R and I will know when that time is, whether it is soon, or down the road. All we can do for now is give her our best, and our love.

I have an appointment on Tuesday with our regular vet, who was away this week, for a re-check of her blood. Hopefully her increased eating has had a good impact on her system. I went over to the vet's office today to pick up some more fluids, syringes, and meds cause some of them got sort of pulverized. Everyone there was super sweet, and asked about how she was doing.

One decision I'm so glad we made, was bringing her home. Although this week has been difficult and emotional, it's been so good to have her here, spend time with her, and talk with her.

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