Monday, October 13, 2008

so here's what's been going on

part of the stress on Friday was that we were leaving with our friends A & G for a wedding in Vermont of very dear friends K & N. A & G are also cat people and were super supportive and understanding of us. We picked up Kyra and took a road trip with her and our friends. We were prepared with her food, meds, and fluids, and we also prepared for losing her at some point during the weekend.

A little wrinkle in our plan, our hotel which we pre-paid, did not allow pets. We worried that leaving her there, she might get stressed out and cry, and give away our secret. So began our awesome team effort of covert ops to conceal the cat. With the cooperation of A & G, and the bride's brother, we were able to keep Kyra relatively comfortable and didn't give away our secret. During the wedding, Kyra stayed in the bride's brother's bathroom. (the hotel where the wedding was ...allowed pets). She definitely didn't love the car trip but we got a lot of quality time with her and our friends, it was really special. Ideally I wouldn't recommend taking a road trip with a sick cat, but if you had to do it, A & G are seriously the people to do it with.
I know some people thought we were crazy, but we were faced with a difficult decision and I felt confident that we needed to try our treatment.

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